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Software developer

Zeno Quantum is seeking a passionate and motivated software developer to join our team. If you are passionate about technology and are looking for a new challenge in software development, we are looking for you!


Mexico City


Full time

What you will do

    If you join our team, you will have the opportunity to work on exciting software development projects, participate in the design and implementation of innovative solutions, and contribute to the growth and success of Zeno Quantum. You will be involved in the full software development cycle, from conception and design to implementation and delivery.
    Additionally, you will collaborate closely with other team members, participate in solving technical problems and have the opportunity to learn and develop in a dynamic and collaborative work environment.

Who are you

    We are looking for someone with solid knowledge in software development, strong problem-solving skills, and the ability to work independently and on a team. You must be passionate about technology, have a results-oriented approach and always be willing to learn and grow.
    If you meet the above requirements and are ready to join an innovative and dynamic team, don't hesitate to apply now!

+376 73 70 70

En el compromiso que tenemos en Zeno Quantum con la igualad de las personas, el texto está redactado en género masculino ya que la RAE mantiene que el masculino genérico se usa para ambos sexos y que no excluye a la mujer. Pel compromis que tenim a Zeno Quantum amb la igualtat de les persones, el text està redactat en gènere masculí ja que la RAE manté que el masculí genèric s'usa per a tots dos sexes i que no exclou la dona. Due to the commitment that we have in Zeno Quantum with the equility of people, the text is written in the masculine gender since the RAE maintains that the generic masculine is used for the both sexes and that it does not exclude women. Zeno Quantum pertsonen arteko berdintasunarekin duen konpromisoagatik zera jakinarazi nahi dizue: testua maskulinoan idatzita dago, RAEk maskulino generikoa bi sexuetarako erabiltzen dela eta ez duela emakumea baztertzen baitio.


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